Your heating and cooling system is a significant investment. Protect it with a maintenance plan that allows you to enjoy the most value from your equipment.

The Link Comfort Club maintenance plan offers a fast and convenient way to maintain your HVAC equipment. Join today to receive discounts on repairs, after-hours service when you need us, and friendly reminders when it’s time for a tune-up.

Link Service Heating & Cooling is committed to keeping your HVAC system in top shape so you can count on it throughout the year. We design our budget-friendly plans to give you peace of mind.

Our Mission Is to Provide Constant Comfort to All of Our Customers.

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Benefits Good Better Best
Emergency Repair Scheduling Good Priority Better Priority Best Priority
Repair Discount 5% 10% 15%
Extended Parts and Labor Warranty1 1-Year 2-Year 3-Year
24/7 After-Hours Scheduling
After-Hours Fee Discount $30 Off $60 Off $90 Off
Annual Reminder
Ensure Manufacturer Warranty
Building Code Standards2
Energy Star® Recommendations3
ACCA Recommendations4
Air Conditioning, Heat Pump, or Ductless Maintenance Tasks5
30-Point Inspection
Functional Parts Evaluation
Infrared Leak Detection
Condensate Drain Pan Treatment
Clean and Disinfect Coils and Blower
Heating Maintenance Tasks
30-Point Inspection
Functional Parts Evaluation
Gas Leak Detection
Brush & Clean Heat Exchanger
Clean and Disinfect Blower

All Membership benefits apply to the related covered system: i.e. water heater repairs will not receive discounts, Heating Memberships will not receive scheduling benefits on Air Conditioning repairs, etc.
1 Receive the subsequent parts and labor warranty on completed repairs during an active membership, not including oil burner nozzle, oil line filter, or oil pump strainer
2 ANSI/BPI-1200-S-2017, “Standard Practice for Basic Analysis of Buildings,’ 2017
4 ACCA Standard 4, “Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems,” 2019 5 Ductless available in Better and Best only.
5 Ductless available in Better and Best only.

Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at Link Service Heating & Cooling.
Call us at 814-204-3079!